Online training: Trauma and self care – how to integrate and deal with trauma and stress

During the first part of the training you will receive an introduction into psychotraumatology in order to obtain background information on trauma as well as practical tips and effective tools on how to deal with trauma and on how to stabilize yourself, or another person in a stressful situation or when the trauma has been triggered.

The second part of the training will focus on self care and how to integrate trauma with examples and methods that are supportive to deal with stress and trauma in a concious and empowering way.

When: Wednesday, 20th and Thursday, 21st of March 2024 at 5pm (cet)
Where: online via Zoom

This online training is designed for people with a refugee, migration background as well as for people who support people with refugee background.

To register, please write to us via

Feel free to forward the information to people who also might be interested to join.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

The Project is funded by the Deutsche Fernsehlotterie/ Stiftung Deutsches Hilfswerk @deutsche_fernsehlotterie